
Welcome to Salescom.lk, the most diversified internet marketplace in Sri Lanka

We offer the safest internet space for our customers and sellers to obtain and sell goods/services required, you will be provided with the facility by Salescom.lk to get almost all goods and services required by you for your day-to-day life via your mobile phone or the computer, without being present physically in the marketplace. The user-friendly page layout especially designed for your convenience helps you immensely to choose the best suited goods and services among the range that exceeds thousand by whilst enjoying a wider control with freedom.

Each entrepreneur is given an opportunity to communicate with a larger segment of customers to publicize your goods and services expeditiously under the supervision of Salescom.lk. Join Salescom.lk for a lucrative service benefits and many other facilities.

Our Vision

To create an innovative, reliable and a well secured cyber space for the Sri Lankan buyers and the sellers conforming to the traditional concepts in the sphere of business.

Our Mission

Our aim is to be a leading internet service provider who helps build the lives of the people of Sri Lanka by providing quality products and services while building good management between the manufacturer and the customer.